
HCI Course Material

This website contains the material and content of the lectures Human-Computer Interaction, Human-Machine Interaction, and Usability Engineering at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. The content is largely based on the material provided at hci-lecture.org. To display the PowerPoint-Slides correctly please download the Roboto Font from Google. The content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Lecture Slides

00 - Introduction

Course and semester specific introduction, group forming, and exercise overview.

01 - Basics

Motivation and a brief history of HCI, terms and definitions, ubiquitous HCI

02 - Users

How users see an interface, user needs, human-centered design, task and user analysis

03 - Prototyping

Prototyping processes, design methods, prototype evaluations

04 - In- and Output

Pointing, text entry, gestures, eye-tracking, physiological sensing, displays, audio, printers

05 - Models

Fitts' Law, Steering Law, Hick's Law, KLM, GOMS

06 - Perception

Human perception, sensory channels, and sensory processing

07 - Cognition

Cognitive models, memory, attention, and learning processes

08 - Design

Aesthetics, designs, Gestalt Laws, shapes, and colors

09 - Usability

Principles to support usability, the Eight Golden Rules, heuristics, usability guidelines

10 - Accessibility

Standards of barrier-free and universal design

11 - Games

Game theory, video games, game development and player taxonomies

12 - Mixed Reality

Augmented, virtual, and mixed reality technologies, interactions in virtual spaces

Research Project Slides

00 - Kick-Off Presentation

Presentation Template

01 - Research and Evaluations in HCI

Motivation and overview on scientific working in HCI

02 - Empirical Research

Why and how to work empirically in HCI, qualitative and quantitative measures, study designs

03 - How to Read a Paper

Reading and understanding scientific papers in HCI

04 - How to Conduct a Literature Review

Searching and summarizing scientific papers in HCI

05 - How to Conduct an HCI User Study

Methodological approaches in HCI

06 - How to Evaluate Results

Quantitative and qualitative methods in HCI

07 - How to Write an HCI Paper

Basics of scientific writing including writing with generative AI (ChatGPT), Latex, and other tools

08 - Latex Workshop

Overleaf Latex Workshop based on the ACM 2-column Master Template

09 - Statistics in R

R Workshop with data and R code files for one and three-factor ANOVA

10 - How to Give a Good Scientific Presentation

Scientific presentations and slides

Prof. Dr. Valentin Schwind. University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt. This website is for educational and scientific purposes. No liability for external links, correctness, completeness and up-todateness of any content. Site visit might result in storing of anonymised data (date, time, page viewed) and evaluated for statistical and research purposes. Utilization at the own risk of the user. Data can be stored on the computers to facilitate the user's website access. No commercial or non-commercial third parties are involved.