Participation Confirmation Generator

This tool enables batch processing of confirmation letters of participation in your study. All data is processed locally on your browser. No personal data is submitted to a server. Please note that all names (experimenter and participants) must be separated through commas. Number of group members and their e-mails must be identical. The regular procudure for participation confirmation is:

  • The experimenters (you) must fill in the participant overview record during the study.
  • With this batch process you can generate confirmation letters for your participants instantly or after the study.
  • You can hand out this confirmation letter digitally or physically to your participants.
  • Students, who need credit points for their lecture, must submit their confirmation letters until the end of their course.

Excel file of the participation overview record for the experimenter(s)

Fill in the following fields and generate instantly the confirmation letters for your participant(s):
Your Institution*
Kind of research*
Study Date Range*
Study Duration*
Firstname lastname of all group members (comma separated)*
E-Mails all group members (comma separated), same order as above*
Firstname lastname of your participants (comma separated). Keep empty for blank sheet. You can also enter a single name.
Supervisor Name*
Supervisors' E-Mail*
Experimenter Signature (there is no file upload, confirmations are batch processed in your browser!)*
* fields required

Prof. Dr. Valentin Schwind. University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt. No liability for external links, correctness, completeness and up-todateness of any content. Site visits might result in storing of anonymized data (date, time, page viewed). Utilization at the own risk of the user. Data can be stored on the computers to facilitate the user's website access. Contribute here.

Find/cite the publication of the toolkit here:
Valentin Schwind, Stefan Resch, and Jessica Sehrt. 2023. The HCI User Studies Toolkit: Supporting Study Designing and Planning for Undergraduates and Novice Researchers in Human-Computer Interaction. In Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '23), April 23-28, 2023, Hamburg, Germany. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 7 pages.