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Study Design and Statistical Test Planner

This tool is designed to plan and evaluate your study for your HCI research. Enter your independent and dependent variables, estimated difference between extreme (minimum and maximal measures), and their pooled standard deviation. The tool use the statistical power estimate with R and the Superpower package. This tool only offers tips and help for beginners for quick start and is not a substitute for extensive research or input of your supervisor.

Add your independent variables (IV)?*
IV design
with levels
    Add your dependent variables (DV)?*
      Estimated mean difference between min. and max. measures (in %):
      20 %
      Estimated pooled standard deviation (in % of the mean difference):
      40 %
      Estimated initial effect sizes:
      Subjects (estimated using Superpower):
      Please wait...

      Statistical Power and Effect Sizes:
      Instructions for your experimental design:
      Instructions for your statistical test(s):

      Prof. Dr. Valentin Schwind. University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt. No liability for external links, correctness, completeness and up-todateness of any content. Site visits might result in storing of anonymized data (date, time, page viewed). Utilization at the own risk of the user. Data can be stored on the computers to facilitate the user's website access. Contribute here.

      Find/cite the publication of the toolkit here:
      Valentin Schwind, Stefan Resch, and Jessica Sehrt. 2023. The HCI User Studies Toolkit: Supporting Study Designing and Planning for Undergraduates and Novice Researchers in Human-Computer Interaction. In Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '23), April 23-28, 2023, Hamburg, Germany. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 7 pages.